The Brazilian Booty Lift treatment results are achieved using our revolutionary machines, slimming technology, and specialised contouring techniques.
Combining fat-busting elements which work by stimulating fat cells, causing a change in the permeability of the cell membrane. The cells are then broken down further using pulses to destroy the fat cell. Triglycerides (broken-down fat) are then used to reposition, contour, and sculpt into a round, shapely booty. This treatment also improves skin tone, reduces cellulite, and activates collagen production.
Single treatment - £132.00
Thigh sculpt (5 treatments) - £550.00
Tummy sculpt (5 treatments) - £550.00
Arm sculpt (5 treatments) - £550.00
Booty lift (5 treatments) - £550.00
Back sculpt (5 treatments) - £550.00
For best results a course of 5 treatments is recommend.
Treatment before and after
Which parts of the body can be treated?
The BBl Sculpt is our multi-functional machine which means it can be used in the following areas: Booty, non-surgical tummy tuck, thigh gaps, backfat and bingo wings.
How does the BBL treatment work?
The procedure gives your booty a powerful three-dimensional lift by breaking down unwanted fat cells and replacing them into the buttock area or removing them through the lymphatic system, improving skin tone and reducing cellulite whilst creating a pert booty.
What results will my clients get?
Their booty will look and feel firmer, you can concentrate on certain problem areas which are a concern to your client and in turn remove stubborn cellulite.
Does it really work and are the results immediate?
Hell Yeah! The results are visible immediately, and the treatment will continue working for up to two weeks.
How long will it last?
Depending on the amount of treatments, some results can be permanent, but maintenance appointments are recommended.
How long do I have to wait between treatments?
For the best possible results, a minimum of 7 days is advised.
How many sessions will I need?
We recommend a course of five treatments performed weekly, followed by a maintenance treatment every six to eight weeks.
Is there any downtime?
No, you can continue your day as normal after your treatment, however, sometimes the skin on the buttocks may be red and on very rare occasions may slightly bruise.
Does it hurt?
The treatment is completely painless.